Browsing All posts tagged under »Iraq«

GOP warmongers: Red now, Yellow then.

October 13, 2014


Politicians and media pundits lie. Numbers don’t. Here’s a list of U.S. politicians who have put themselves on television and radio in the past two weeks, arguing vehemently that America should be putting “boots on the ground” in Iraq and elsewhere to combat ISIL: Name Years of Military Service Mitt Romney 0 Tagg Romney (son) […]

The State Department’s Private Army: High-dollar, low expectations

December 12, 2011


Uncle Sam wants YOU! Well … actually, it’s Aunt Hillary doing the wanting, and she only wants top-dollar mercenaries. And she’s willing to spend $3 Billion of your tax dollars to get them. The U.S. State Department (Hillary Clinton’s current stomping grounds) has hired more than 5,500 “private security contractors” to fill the void left […]

Fed conducts THIRD ‘probe’ of billions ‘missing’ from Iraq War funding

June 15, 2011


The U.S. official in charge of the funds that flow into Iraq has confirmed that $6.7 Billion, ear-marked for Iraqi re-construction, is missing and likely stolen. And that the $6.7 Billion is part of a larger $27.2 Billion sent to Iraq in cash that is simply “unaccounted for.” According to CBS News, the inspector general […]

Congress: Stop with the empty “what we need to do” mantra and DO IT!

June 1, 2011


Ever noticed how the only thing you ever hear a politician say anymore is what “we need to do”? I can’t remember the last time I heard any politician­, on either side of the aisle, plainly state what HE or SHE *WILL* do or *IS* doing about any problem you could name. And remember, *ALL* […]

Osama bin Laden is dead. *TODAY* is “Mission Accomplished”

May 2, 2011


“There is no greater national priority than to capture or kill Osama bin Laden. I will not rest until he is either captured or killed. As God is my witness, America will have justice.” George W. Bush, September 28, 2001 “I wouldn’t necessarily say he’s at the center of any command structure. And, again, I […]

Why are we still in Iraq?

April 28, 2011


The American invasion of Iraq was supposed to take only a few months in 2003: A quick-n-painless mission accomplished to depose dictator Saddam Hussein, find and dismantle weapons of mass destruction and then go home – in a matter of weeks, not months. And Iraqi oil was supposed to pay for it all. Eight years […]